Monday, April 8, 2013

My Relationship With Nature

Moving to Seattle, WA was a cut off from nature for me, Emerald City or not. I enjoy the city, the quick pace, the people, buildings, lights, sights, food, but I will always have a relationship with the nature that I grew up around. This nature being in the panhandle of northern Idaho. Living off of the land and employing sustainability is important to my family. Bored? Take a walk! Hungry? Grow it yourself! My family took multiple fishing trips in the Spring and Summer, camping trips during the hottest months, and my Father would periodically take a rifle or bow and arrow into the woods and provide our family with clean meat all year to accompany our fresh garden vegetables. As a child I can remember having hideouts and hangouts in the woods with my siblings and friends. We would continuously return to them in order to build pine needle and moss chairs, beds of leaves on smooth rock and even makeshift latrines (ah!). The comforts of the indoors are luxurious because they are warm, and sanitary in this part of the world, but on a day when the sun is shining you will always find me outdoors.

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